Come and share Christophe Noyon's passion: visit the Brasserie he created in Tardinghen in 2003 and taste his beers (in moderation) !

Christophe Noyon shares his passion for beer during visits to the brasserie: "I explain the different stages of the beer-making cycle, from growing barley to bottling... and at the end there is a tasting of my creations for your great pleasure: the 2 caps, a pale flavoursome beer, the Blanche de Wissant, the Noire de Slack, La bière à Frometon et La Belle Dalle !" »

His latest creation, D-Day was launched in June 2013 on the land of his Lower-Normandy ancestors as a tribute to the Allies' courage and sacrifices during the Second World War. The superior quality of the D-Day was rewarded in 2014, with the gold medal of the Concours Général Agricole de Paris.

Visit the site : Brasserie artisanale des 2 Caps

*" Alchohol is dangerous for health. To be consumed with moderation"