The Wissant School painters' walk lets you discover the history of these artists who came from 1880. They was seduced by the exceptional beauty of the landscapes and the light of Wissant, its bay and the Deux-Caps site. This center of artistic creation is still known today as the Wissant School.

Sentier des Peintres - Triptyque

The Wissant School Painters' walk is a project carried out by the Department of Pas-de-Calais, and The Grand Site de France des Deux-Caps.

This project needed the support of the Association Art et Histoire de Wissant and its president, Mr. Jean-Marie BALL, and the Town Hall of Wissant.

The Art and History association of Wissant has published a very comprehensive book "The School of Wissant and its Painters" and regularly enlivens the memory of this school (exhibition, guided tour, etc.)

Sentier des Peintres - WISSANT

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The Wissant School Painters' walk is only in french.