Eden 62 has now been working for the preservation of our environment, our open spaces and nature for 20 years. In the Site des Deux-Caps, Eden 62 manages and welcomes you to the Conservatoire du Littoral, the Pointe de la Crèche at Wimereux and to Fond de la Forge and the dunes from Fort Mahon to Sangatte.

Come and experience all the outings, special activities for children, as well sport and culture themed activities. To learn more we met Hugues Rétaux, nature guide for Eden 62, who is your guide for most of the 22 outings organised in the Site des Deux-Caps.

Hugues, what happens at a nature outing organised by Eden 62 ?

"During the nature outing, I take you on a circuit of 3 or 4 km for about 2 hours. I stop regularly to point out fauna, flora, history, landscapes and explailn the ecological management of the natural site. I propose different activities which can be funny, artistic or sensorial, with lots of explanations of course !"

Of the 22 activities proposed by Eden 62 in the Site des Deux-Caps, tell us about the new and most original amongst them ?

"That's a difficult question because we try to renew our activities every year. This year we propose special activities for children, using drawing for recognising plants; for sportsmen with nordic walking or sea kayaking; and for epicureans who want to know all there is to know about mushrooms or how to use wild berries to make jam or jelly !"

Visit the Eden 62 site: www.eden62.fr