Come and meet the residents and stallholders at one of our lively village markets in the Site des Deux-Caps :

- Wimereux: Tuesday and Friday morning, place Albert 1er
Rue Pierre Wimet in July and August

- Ambleteuse: Wednesday morning in the centre of the village

- Audresselles: Monday morning, rue Edouard Quenu
Thursday from 4.00pm to 8.00pm June, July and August

- Wissant: Wednesday morning in the centre of the village
Friday 6.00pm to 9.00pm, from April to September.

- Escalles: Saturday from 4.00pm to 8.00pm from June to September

- Sangatte: Sunday morning, Place du Général de Gaulle and Friday morning, Place de la République at Blériot-Plage. 

Contact the tourist information offices for all the information and dates for the markets during the Summer season.