The coastal bike route is part of the No. 4 EuroVeloroute between Kiev in Ukraine and Roscoff in Brittany. It crosses 7 countries over more than 4,000 km. 30 km of this route travel between Sangatte and Wimereux where you can admire the landscapes of the Site des Deux-Caps. Cycling is safe here, on side roads with light traffic and farm tracks shared with walkers and horse riders.

Point sur la véloroute - Triptyque

Here is the status quo for the different sections of the itinerary: the operational sections, the soon to be operational sections and other sections subject to studies with regard to the impact on the natural environment, requested by local authorities. You will also find information about the technical solutions which have or will be used for each section.

Point sur la véloroute

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1 - From the Pointe de la Crèche to the south of Wimereux
Existing bike tracks along the RD 940

2 - Crossing Wimereux
Urban network of public roads

3 - From la Pointe aux Oies to the end of the Dunes de la Slack (open in the future)
2m track with decking and separated from the RD 940 reduced in width

4 - Crossing Ambleteuse
Rue de l’Ecluse, dike, rue de la Source, Mairie.

5 - From Ambleteuse to Audresselles (open since 2010)
"La voyette à roulettes"

6 - Crossing Audresselles (open since 2014)
La Manchue car park, Rue du Lieutenant Menard, Passage des baigneurs, Rue Edouard Quenu, Rue Robin.

7-8 - From the exit of Audresselles to Audinghen (open since 2014)
Re-qualification of the public pathway No.3 known as Chemin Vert, public pathway No.4 known as Chemin d’Hicquotois, country lane No.15 from Audresselles to Audinghen (Todincthun)

9 - From Audinghen to Tardinghen (open in 2015)
Rue des Breux, Le Hamel, Rue des Trois Violons.

10 - From Tardinghen to Wissant (open in 2015)
Shares the RD 249 then a connection to Wissant with the farm track des Hautes Communes.

11 - From Tardinghen to Wissant (open in the future)
RD 940 at the Carrière du Phare to the village of Wissant.

12 - Crossing Wissant
Put in place in 2014 with the landscape re-qualification of the RD 940.

13 - North exit from Wissant (open in the future)
A track along the RD 940 at the Dunes d'Amont.

14 - Going towards Haute-Escalles (open since 2016)
Climb to Haute-Escalles via farm tracks and the Mont à Crignons.

15 - From Haute-Escalles to Sangatte (open in the future)
Climb the Chemin du Moulin (farm use to be maintained) - Passage des Noires-Mottes (reasonable intervention adapted to the sensitivity of the site) Descend towards Sangatte along the Fond Pignon (farm use to be maintained).