The Maison du Site des Deux-Caps proposes activities from April to October to discover or rediscover this extraordinary site !

Nordic walking in the Grand Site de France des Deux-Caps

Nordic walking first appeared in Scandinavia in the 1970s. This energetic walk is practised in single file. The natural balancing arm actions is accentuated and the body is thrown forward with two poles, making you go faster and further. A complete sport, nordic walking is a work-out for the whole body: stimulating the cardiovascular system and improving tone and muscular suppleness whilst preserving the articulations.

The Maison du Site proposes a beginner's course in nordic walking in the extraordinary Grand Site des Deux-Caps : from a warm-up to stretching, it is a complete work-out with a friendly atmosphere.

Nordic Walking activity tariffs :

  • 6 € per person - with poles
  • 4 € per person - if you have your own poles

Please take everything you need in a small backpack: water, snacks...

Don't forget to reserve...

Places are limited !

By email:
By telephone: + 0033 (0)3 21 21 62 22
at the Maison du Site: Hameau de Haringzelle, 62179 Audinghen

For unaccompanied nordic walking, consult 3 nordic walking circuits which leave from the Maison du Site.