This first edition of the Landscape and Nature photography Festival embodies the strong commitment of the Grand Site de France Les Deux-Caps approach to providing a time for discussion for the resident and visitors.

Postponed in 2020, I wanted to make this meeting a reality to offer you an opportunity to go out, to benefit from this exceptional nature, essential to our balance and our well-being, so undermined by the health crisis.

This first edition reflects the desire to suggest a new offer of experience to live, attentive to the sensitivity of the authenticity of a natural, preserved and fragile territory.

This festival celebrates the beauty of the landscapes, the richness of the fauna and flora, to the delight of enthusiasts, visitors who respect nature and for the greatest pride of the inhabitants of this exceptional territory.

I invite you to come and share with them, with us, beautiful encounters, moments of relaxation, contemplation and emotion.

Come and connect with the landscapes of the Grand Site de France Les Deux-Caps from May 7th.

Jean-Claude LEROY

Président du Département du Pas-de-Calais

Why create the Landscape and Nature Photography Festival on the Grand Site de France Les Deux-Caps ?

This project is the result of reflection of the experiences to be had at the Grand Site de France Les Deux-Caps since obtaining the label in 2011.

This festival is based on the know-how developed on the site through temporary exhibitions at the Maison du Site des Deux-Caps in Audinghen, the implementation of a photographic observatory, the success of the “Photo du jour” the establishment of 2 exhibitions at Gris-Nez, the creation of traveling PHOTOSPOT circuit…

So Many tools and supports making it possible to respond to the craze of strong demand for the souvenir photography of an ephemeral visit, that of a place dear to the inhabitants of the site…

Finally, this festival embodies the spirit of the Grand Site de France approach, where accessibility is consistent with the fragility of the place.

The Festival… A whole program !

From the start of 2021, the sites and content of photographic exhibitions will be presented. Each of the 8 municipalities will host one or more exhibitions, accessible to all.  The complete program detailing the photo outings, the photographic marathon, the events around fleeting moments to be photographed in the unique and exeptional setting of the Grand Site de France Les Deux-Caps, will be available from spring 2021.

As for SLACK! Deux-Caps Art Festival, a participatory approach will be proposed to become ambassador of this new meeting of landscape and nature photography. The Ambassadors will receive a preview of the information on the festival, the registrations for the photographic events…

To become an ambassador of the landscape and nature Photography Festival of the Grand Site de France Les Deux-Caps, click here…